Sunday, November 22, 2009

Asheville Cougar Classic (and whatnot)

So, I thought Marvin Ridge High School looked like the school from High School Musical.
Asheville High School kinda looks like a castle. It's really pretty.

Myers Park debate team went there yesterday for the Asheville Cougar Classic debate tournament. We placed 5th in the sweeps, and a lot of people placed individually. I didn't, but that's alright-- I really learned a lot. (I also hit the top two placed debaters. -_-) Anyway. We left at 6:30, and got back around 11:30. I'm starting to feel really really sleep deprived right around now.

I was in Novice LD again, and there were over 40 people in our division only! My friend Lisa got 3rd :) And we took a lot of photos, and I met a lot of people on the team.

I just wish the warm ups were a little less loud and embarrassing.
"I am a mother pheasant plucker." <---Seriously? Who came up with this?

On another note, today was Thanksgiving Sunday. I feel bad for those turkeys-- I bet half the turkey population dies during this week in November every year.

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